
The word, ineffective has negative connotation and allows plausible deniability.
This word is plastered all through WHO and CDC recommendations.

It’s starting to be that time when we all evaluate the Pandemic.
With more than 58,000 dead in the US, and the curve flattening, I think we did well to follow more sensible reccomendations than we received from the WHO.

I recall during the Ebola Virus episode that the CDC stated that US hospitals were well equiped to handle patients from other countries. We were not.
We still have a big problem in our hospitals. Doctors and particularly nurses are well aware of their department needs and attempt to budget for supplies, but Administrators refused many items requested. This is the result of a broken system. A better system is found in some hospitals, the ‘not-for-profits’.

Changes should be made to our US hospitals before the next Pandemic.

We all have been aware of the debate, civil rights, freedom versus emergencies, thank God we have had good leadership through this Pandemic. The next time we might not get the heads up.
We should grade the WHO and the CDC as ‘ineffective ‘.

Let me ask, does anyone believe all those CDC, WHO and TSA check points stopped the spread of any infectoius virus?

Now we are seeing the ‘Agencies’, FDA, CDC, put on notice to get out of the way and let science innovate. I know, I’ve own stock in innovative medical companies. I have watched as a cancer treatment progressed through 3 phases of tests with excellent results only to vanish and me holding stock in a company that no longer exists.

We really need to fix the system.

Published by normgtg

Retired, Spvt. Biomed Dept. at GSMC, Tx., HAM, Storm Chaser, founding member and Officer of LETARC, CEO GTG INC., Explorer with Teledyne and GSI, LIC'ed 1970 - FCC First Class Commercial Radiotelephone with Radar, Broadcast Engineer, Internet Researcher since 1987 Library Permitted, (Medical Library), studied computer networking, programming and servers, 72 semester hours.