Hello World

I am back from a struggle with death.

January the 28th, 7:30 AM I awoke with a ongoing heart attack. I called my daughter but she didn’t answer. I dressed and got my cold car running when she called back. In six minutes she picked me up and took me to ER.

The ER stabilized me, but The heart attack was through and I presented as totally healthy to instruments and the blood lab. A few hours later I had a second heart attack right before the ER Doctor, he got another blood lab and was convinced then.

I now have a Stent and the Surgeon said, it was a ‘widow maker’ fixing to happen.

I give all the credit to God whom takes care of His own. My children say, “God’s still got a purpose for me.”

I am back to try to minister to you all. 2020 was the year that Fraud was revealed. The Holy Spirit opened our eyes to this terrible world.

2021 is a year of Dicodomy. Splits between many peoples. In fact the most apparent split is between our Governments and us.

The “Split” needs to be mapped out. Where Congress, the Courts and the Executive Branch have trashed the Constitution, the Military is still every mindful of and supportive of their Oath. We need to support our Military and avoid all attempts to degrade our close ties to Military Personnel.

Our Federal Government has, like a spoiled brat, thrown a fit and runaway from home. We as adults need to ignore it. It will sneak back home and start behaving.

It is February, the middle of Winter and like the good husband of the garden, we need to put on our Winter Armour and go out and prune the Orchard. We cut the deadwood off, we don’t need the Justice Department. “Snip”! Every case they bring the people of the jury will find innocent and if Judges in my State go against the jury system. We vote them out or impeach them. We do not need the FBI defending us. We can handle all criminals ourselves. Release prisoners, we can take care of that.

The culture can revert to the 1870’s and still thrive. We do not need big Corporations. In their next incarnation we need to insure that they have “skin in the game”; that is, a person needs to be libel for a Corporation’s actions. We want no “Letters of Marquee” granting them license to be criminal.

A better day is coming and camping out waiting for it is no big concern.

Published by normgtg

Retired, Spvt. Biomed Dept. at GSMC, Tx., HAM, Storm Chaser, founding member and Officer of LETARC, CEO GTG INC., Explorer with Teledyne and GSI, LIC'ed 1970 - FCC First Class Commercial Radiotelephone with Radar, Broadcast Engineer, Internet Researcher since 1987 Library Permitted, (Medical Library), studied computer networking, programming and servers, 72 semester hours.

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